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The Management section of the encyclopedia knoow.net is being built under the responsibility of Paulo Nunes, economist, manager and business consultant. For its construction have also contributed other specialists in this area, whose are identified near each entry. To all, our many thanks.

Like any quality encyclopedia, also the knoow.net encyclopedia, is in permanent update and open to suggestions that may contribute for its improvement.



Index - B

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Balance Sheet - Balance sheet builds a representation board of the company’s heritage (group of values used by the...

Balanced Scorecard - Balanced Scorecard (briefly BSC) is a measurement and evaluation methodology of the strategic alternatives...

Barbard, Chester - Chester I. Barnard was president of a big north American telephones’ company, and author of the...

BCG Mold - BCG Mold (from Boston Consulting Group) is another model, used mainly for the planning of businesses portfolios...

Benchmarking - The term benchmarking originates from the English term benchmark, which refers to the level quotes used...

Bhagwati, Jagdish - Born in 1934 in Bombaim, in India, professor Bhagwati is one of the most prestigious economists in the...

Bibeault Model - Bibeault Model is a model developed by Donald Bibeault and that seeks to help the managers identify the...

Bonoma Implementation Model - Bonoma Implementation Model, developed by Thomas Bonoma, professor at Harvard Business School...

Brainstorming - Brainstorming is a method of collective generation of new ideas through the contribution and participation of...

Brand - The term brand designates a name or a symbol that intends to identify and clearly differentiate a product...

Branding - The literal meaning of Branding is the allocation of a brand to a product or service. However, the true...

Break-Even Point - The Break-Even point represents the amount of goods and services that a company has to sell so...

Bureaucracy Theory - The term Bureaucracy was used, for the first time, by Max Weber to describe a culture and...

Business Ethics - Even though it’s not identical, business ethics concept (or management ethics) emerges strictly related...

Business Intelligence - The English expression Business Intelligence refers to the process of collection, organization, analysis, share...

Business Vision - Business vision designates the intention of the organization or company, this is, defines what this one pretends...

Buy In / Buy Out - The expression Buy In / Buy Out designates a type of management that was very popular in the decade...