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The Management section of the encyclopedia knoow.net is being built under the responsibility of Paulo Nunes, economist, manager and business consultant. For its construction have also contributed other specialists in this area, whose are identified near each entry. To all, our many thanks.

Like any quality encyclopedia, also the knoow.net encyclopedia, is in permanent update and open to suggestions that may contribute for its improvement.



Index - C

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Cannibalization - In management, the term cannibalization is used to designate a sales reduction of a certain product or service...

CAPEX - CAPEX is the acronym of the English expression Capital Expenditure and that designates the amount of money spent...

Cash and Carry - The English expression Cash & Carry designates a commercial service of free service provided by a wholesaler for...

Cash Flow - The term Cash-Flow, designates the balance between the capital input and output of a company during...

Cash Flow Map - Cash Flow Map is a financial demonstration that presents a group of cash entries and exits (availabilities) in an...

CEO - CEO is the acronym of the English expression Chief Executive Officer and designates the highest executive role of an...

CFO - CFO is the acronym of the English expression Chief Financial Officer that is equivalent to Financial Director/Manager, being...

Chandler, Alfred - Born in 1918, Alfred Chandler made exhaustive researches of the North American companies in activity in the...

Change Management - Change Management corresponds to a reinvention or restructuring process of the organizational culture, strategy...

Client - In most contexts’ is considered as client of an entity whoever decides the purchase of a certain good or service offered by...

Clients Rotation Ratio - Clients rotation ratio or indicator is an activity ratio that seeks to measure the efficiency level with which the...

Coaching - The term coaching is another buzzword recently created in the management / leadership area and represents...

Cognitive Dissonance - The expression Cognitive Dissonance designates a theory proposed in the twentieth century decade of 50 by...

Commercial Management - Commercial management is one of the traditional management functional areas found in any organization and to which...

Communication - Communication represents one of the most important tools that the leaders have at their disposal to perform their...

Competitive Advantage - Competitive Advantage is a concept developed by Michael E. Porter in his bestseller “Competitive Advantage” and...

Contextual Variables - In management terms, are considered as contextual variables all elements not controlled by the organization...

Coopetition - Coopetition is a recent creation concept, formed due to the junction of the words competition and cooperation, and...

Coordination - Coordination is not more than the integration process of the several activities developed in each department...

Core Competence - Core competence concept emerged for the first time in 1990, on Harvard Business Review, in an article entitled...

Corporate Governance - The Anglo-Saxon expression Corporate Governance designates the way how enterprise organizations operate and...

Cost Leadership - In management, the term cannibalization is used to designate a sales reduction of a certain product or service...

Current Assets - Current Assets (sometimes also designated as exploitation assets or even running assets) are all companies’...